試薬 & 溶液


Find the exact reagents you need to prepare and process any type of tissue. Select your preferred decalcifier, fixative, and other reagents to help you take the tissue through all of preanalytical workflow stages.

  • Produce quality results – proven formulations manufactured to tight standards.
  • Make the right choice – multiple options let you choose the ideal reagent for your application.
  • Improve your laboratory environment – choose a xylene substitute.

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Surgipath AffirmSeal Pre-Filled Specimen Jars 製品画像

Surgipath AffirmSeal Pre-Filled Specimen Jars

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Neutral Buffered Formalin Concentrate Fixatives 製品画像

Neutral Buffered Formalin Concentrate Fixatives

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Xylenes, Purified Solvents 製品画像

Xylenes, Purified Solvents

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O-Fix Fixatives 製品画像

O-Fix Fixatives

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