A simple dual-color, single-fusion assay is preferably used for the initial screening of CML and ALL patients. The Philadelphia chromosome, der(22q), is visualized by a fusion signal while the der(9q) shows no signal. The BCR/ABL1 t(9;22) FISH probe is optimized to detect the t(9;22)(q34;q11) reciprocal translocation in a dual-color, single-fusion, extra-signal assay on metaphase/interphase spreads, blood smears and bone marrow cells.
References: Morris et al, 1990, Blood, 76; 1812-1818. Dewald et al, 1998, Blood, 91; 3357-3365. Kolomietz et al, 2001, Blood, 97; 3581-3588. Huntly et al, 2003, Blood, 102; 1160-1168. Tkachuk et al., 1990, Science, 250; 559-562.