Hybridization of ROS1 (6q22) Break Probe (KBI-10752) to a tissue section harboring a ROS1 rearrangement.

RUO - ROS1 Break

Translocations involving the ROS1 gene at chromosome 6q22 can increase expression of the gene by fusion with SLC34A2 (4p15), but also with other fusion partners. Elevated expression is observed in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), where the success of tyrosine kinase-based therapeutics like Crizotinib (Xalkori) is based on inhibiting the activity of these fusion genes. The fusion of ROS1 to the GOPC (FIG) gene, by deletion of a 240 kb DNA fragment, also results in activation of a fusion gene. The ROS1 (6q22) Break probe is optimized to detect translocations involving the ROS1 gene region at the 6q22 locus, as well as the 240 kb deletion forming the ROS1-GOPC fusion gene, in a dual-color assay on formalin- fixed paraffin-embedded tissue samples.


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ROS1 (6q22) Break
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