Human skeletal muscle: immunohistochemical staining for Merosin. Note membrane staining of normal muscle fibers (Left) and absence of staining of muscle fibers (Right). Frozen sections. Photographs supplied courtesy of Dr Louise V B Anderson. Merosin Laminin Alpha 2 Chain: clone Mer3/22B2
Human skeletal muscle: immunohistochemical staining for Merosin. Note membrane staining of normal muscle fibers (Left) and absence of staining of muscle fibers (Right). Frozen sections. Photographs supplied courtesy of Dr Louise V B Anderson. Merosin Laminin Alpha 2 Chain: clone Mer3/22B2
Merosin Laminin Alpha 2 Chain
The muscle-specific form of laminin, merosin, is composed of three chains: alpha 2, beta 1 and gamma 1.
Analyte Specific Reagent. Analytical and performance characteristics are not established.
$ 553.09
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