7ml MSH6 (EP49) Bond RTU Primary

Product ID:  PA0990

Antigen Background

MSH6 is a 160 kD protein which is involved in DNA mismatch repair (MMR) and recombination pathways, when heterodimerized with MSH2. Defects in mismatch repair systems can cause mutations and can cause DNA microsatellite sequences to become unstable. Immunohistochemical studies have reported that MSH6 is strongly expressed in the nucleus of cells in normal colonic epithelium, especially in crypts. Expression is also found in lymphocytes. Studies have also shown that MSH6 is expressed in gastric carcinomas and endometrial carcinomas. However, sometimes expression can be lost in some endometrial carcinomas and colonic carcinomas with microsatellite instability.

Product Specific Information

The use of PBS-based diluents may result in increased background staining.


Mismatch Repair Protein (MSH6) is recommended for the detection of specific antigens of interest in normal and neoplastic tissues, as an adjunct to conventional histopathology using non-immunologic histochemical stains.

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