CP02-LBS Multiplex Panel - Human CD4/CD8/PanCK

DESCRIPTION: Chromogenic multiplex IHC kit for BOND RX - human CD4, CD8, PanCK

SIZE: 10 slides

PRODUCT OVERVIEW: Kit for chromogenic multiplex IHC staining of 10 slides plus a single negative control slide on the BOND RX with V7.0 software.

1° Antibody Clone 1° Tag 2° Antibody Chromogen
CD4 EPR6855 UT014 Anti-UT014-HRP Leica Blue
CD8 EPR10640(2) UT015 Anti-UT015-AP Leica Refine Red
PanCK AE1/AE3 UT016 Anti-UT016-HRP Yellow

Leica Refine Red and Leica Blue chromogens must be purchased separately from Leica Biosystems.
Optimized for use on FFPE tissue sections.
Suitable for conventional brightfield imagers.
Maximum capacity of 20 slides per run.

APPLICATION: IHC-P. Multiplex chromogenic tissue staining of human FFPE tissue sections.


  • Peroxidase Block 2 (Ready to Use)
  • Concentrated primary antibody cocktail (CD4-UT014, CD8-UT015, PanCK-UT016)
  • Concentrated Cell IDx Polymer #1 (anti-UT014-HRP, anti-UT015-AP)
  • Concentrated Cell IDx Polymer #2 (anti-UT016-HRP)
  • Cell IDx Rabbit Block (Ready to Use)
  • Antibody Diluent
  • Cell IDx HRP arrest solution part A (Azide in MES)
  • Cell IDx HRP arrest solution part B (30% H202)
  • Yellow Chromogen
  • Yellow Chromogen Buffer


SHELF-LIFE: 12 months

PROTOCOLS: UltraPlex mxIHC CP02A-010 (CD4/CD8/PanCK) Staining Protocol for BOND RX-RXm 202104A download from https://cellidx.com/technical/protocols/

For Research Use Only. Not For Use In Diagnostic Procedures.



CP02-LBS mxIHC - CD4/CD8/PanCK
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