The most consistent chromosomal gain in aneuploid tumors of cervical squamous cell carcinoma mapped to chromosome arm 3q, including the human telomerase gene locus (TERC) at 3q26. Highlevel copy number increases were also mapped to chromosome 8. Integration of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) DNA sequences into MYC chromosomal regions have been repeatedly observed in cases of invasive genital carcinomas and in cervical cancers. The TERC (3q26) FISH probe is optimized to detect copy numbers of the TERC gene region at region 3q26. The MYC (8q24) FISH probe is optimized to detect copy numbers of the MYC gene region at 8q24. The chromosome 7 satellite enumeration probe (SE 7) at D7Z1 is included as ploidy control.
References: Xie et al, 2008, Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkunde, 68: 573. Heselmeyer et al, 1996, PNAS, 93: 479-484. Herrick et al, 2005, Cancer Res, 65: 1174-1179.
ON hTERT (3q26) / C-MYC (8q24) / SE 7 TC
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