Dewax Solution

BOND ancillaries have been designed for Leica Biosystems fully-automated BOND systems: BOND-MAX and BOND-III systems. Used in the development and validation of BOND ready-to-use primary antibodies and ISH probes - choose Leica Biosystems reagents for the assurance of a quality result in your laboratory.

BOND Dewax Solution is a deparaffinization solution specifically designed for use on the automated BOND system. BOND Dewax Solution is much less harmful than alternative deparaffinization solutions such as xylene.

It is provided ready-to-use in 1 L bottles and can be poured directly into the appropriate bulk reagent container on the instrument.

The use of BOND Dewax Solution allows paraffin wax to be removed from tissue sections before rehydration and staining on BOND. It is specially formulated to be compatible with the automated BOND system, and efficiently removes wax from slides while retaining the integrity of tissue antigens and probe binding sites.

For in vitro diagnostic use.



Bond Dewax Solution




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