Calpain Antibodies

Antigen Background
The gene responsible for LGMD2A has been identified as the chromosome 15q15-encoded muscle-specific calcium-activated neutral protease, calpain 3. Calpain 3 enzyme is only stable in human muscle when homogenized in treatment buffer immediately after harvest (Anderson LVB et al. Am. J. of Pathol. 153(4), 1169-1179 (1998)), and in homogenates containing SDS and is therefore well suited for analysis by Western blot. NCL-CALP-2C4 reacts with the full-size calpain 3 (94kD) and an additional fragment (30kD) in human skeletal muscle. NCL-CALP-12A2 reacts with full-size protein plus apparent degradation products at approximately 60kD.

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2.5ml NCL-CALP-12A2
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2.5ml NCL-CALP-2C4
Limited Stock (More Details)
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