Parafree Disposable Base Mold

Parafree Disposable Base Molds include a patented block alignment system for even and consistent parallel block facing.

The Base Molds offer higher walls then others in the market, minimizing excess paraffin build-up around the block.

The unique design produces paraffin blocks that require minimum 'scraping' before sectioning.

The corners of the molds are 90 degrees, facilitating immediate ribboning.

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Parafree Disposable Base Molds 10 x 10
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Parafree Disposable Base Molds 15 x 15
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Parafree Disposable Base Molds 24 x 24
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Parafree Disposable Base Molds 24 x 30
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Parafree Disposable Base Molds 37 X 24
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