MECOM t(3;3);inv(3) (3q26) Break probe hybridized to patient material showing a rearrangement involving the MECOM gene region at 3q26 (1RG1R1G). Image kindly provided by Dr. Reed, London.
MECOM t(3;3);inv(3) (3q26) Break probe hybridized to patient material showing a rearrangement involving the MECOM gene region at 3q26 (1RG1R1G). Image kindly provided by Dr. Reed, London.
The inv(3)(q21;q26) is a recurrent cytogenetic aberration of myeloid malignancy associated with fusion of MECOM (EVI) and RPN1. Genomic breakpoints in 3q26 are usually located proximal to the MECOM locus, spanning a region of several hundred kilobases. Other recurrent and sporadic rearrangements of 3q26 also cause transcriptional activation of MECOM including the translocations t(3;3)(q21;q26) and t(3;21)(q26;q22). Breakpoints in the latter rearrangements span a wider genomic region of over 1 megabase encompassing sequences distal to MECOM and neighboring gene MDS1. The MECOM t(3;3) inv(3) Break, dual-color FISH probe is optimized to detect the inversion of chromosome 3 involving the MECOM gene region at 3q26 in a dual-color, split assay on metaphase/interphase spreads, blood smears and bone marrow cells.
References: De Braekeleer et al, 2011, Anticancer Res, 31; 3441-3448. Shearer et al, 2010, Am J Hematol, 85:569-574. Cui et al, 2011, Am J Clin Pathol, 136; 282-288. De Melo et al, 2007, Leukemia aop, 13 Sep, 1-4. Levy et al, 1994, Blood, 83; 1348-1354. Wieser et al, 2003, Haematologica, 88; 25-30.
MECOM t(3;3); inv(3) (3q26) Break
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